Tony Moss wrote:

> Fernando,
>          Thank you for many quotable words on the very special pleasures
> of sundialling.
> Your statement -
> > "...It has also given me the opportunity to do something quite useless but
> very pleasurable."
>  - brings to mind Prof. David Pye's distinction between 'useless' and
> 'valueless' in creative design.  What you experienced had no 'use' but
> great 'value'.

That's a very important distinction I had never seen worded before. Thank you.

- fernando

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
Fone: +55 61 321-2433                   Fax: +55 61 225-3082
19º 37' 57.0" S                         45º 17' 13.6" W
15º 45' 04.9" S                         47º 49' 58.6" W

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