A compression of Aristotle's thoughts on the beginning of time, in haiku form:

When did time begin?
It ever was! Was there time
When there was no time?

And some other musings on a very elusive topic:

If you would kill Time,
Know, as summer follows spring,
The favor's returned!

Suffer Time's result.
Whip its waves, curse its arrows:
Play into its strength.

Time is on my side.
A glorious partnership -
Until she changes sides.

Time's savage result
Can only be forgiven,
As it takes so long.

Einstein! If you're right,
What'll you think of next time,
If Time's circular?

"Where does the Time go?"
Garcia asked with straight face.
Where did Jerry go?

I can't define Time, but I suggest that, whatever it is, it is in that same 
category of ideas as virtue, justice, and


  • time George L. McDowell, Jr.

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