I am new to the sundial list and am building a sundial based on an
example in Albert Waugh's book Sunidals Their Theory and Construction. 
My problem is in computing lines of declination, however. I live in
Washingotn DC at approx. 39d West Lat. 77d N Long. I'd like to trace the
sun's path for one particular day, July 4, 1998.  I believe the
declination for that day is very close to +22d.54.34.9 and the sun's
altitude in degrees for various times are as follows:
4:00    -8.5
5:00     1.6
6:00     11.9
7:00     23.1
8:00     34.6
9:00     46.3
10:00    57.6
11:00    67.7
12:00    73.7
13:00    71.0
14:00    62.1
15:00    51.1 
16:00    39.5
17:00    27.9
18:00    16.5
19:00    5.7
20:00   -4.6
The book states that all I must do is take the cotangent of these
altitude numbers and multiply by the height of my perpendicular style
(which is 2 inches) then measure out to the appropriate hour line.  My
problem is that I cannot figure out what a cotangent is or how to
calculate one. Please help and send a detailed formula with examples so
I can compute the cotangent for other numbers.  Thanks a lot in advance.


Fiddler's Green
We Design and Install Renewable Energy Systems
"Solar Energy...Live the Good Life!"
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PO Box 1200
Bowie,  Maryland  20718
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