> I shall shortly be paying a brief visit to Poland, and should be able to 
> spend short periods in the towns of Wroclaw, Klodzko, Miedzygarze, and
> Wambieryce. Can any of our Polish friends tell me if there are any sundials 
> in these places which I might find time to look at ?  Many thanks.

There are some sundials in Wroclaw  though I actually do not
remember their addresses. Threre is also a ``sunny'' clock at
the town hall.
About Klodzko, Wambierzyce and Miedzygorze.
Generally in that region there are sundials but 
particulary in those places there are not. Perhapse in Koldzko
(which is the biggest of them) there is or was a sundial.
Unfortunately last year there was a big flood in Klodzko
so I am not sure if they maneged to remove all the destructions.
In Wambierzyce there is a barocco basilica and Miedzygorze
is rather a village at the end of the world. 

If you have some time to spare you can visit some other
places near by in which there are for sure sundials.

About 10 km west from the route Wroclaw-Klodzko
(a  right turn in Jordanow)
there is a small town Sobotka. The sundial is near the entrance
to the palace (a small one).

About 19 km east from the route Wroclaw-Klodzko
(a left turn in Zabkowice)
there is a town Ziebice. The sundial is on the town-hall tower
below the town-hall clock.

About 18 km south from Ziebice there is a mediaeval town
Paczkow in which as I was informed there is a sundial.
I have never been to Paczkow so the information is not
quit reliable  but is well worth to check.

On the other side of the artificial lake near Paczkow
there is a small and quite nice town called Otmuchow.
It is about 10 km east from Paczkow and I encourage
to visit it. There is an old castle, a barocco church
and a town-hall in it and on every of those buildings
there is a sundial (in fact on the town-hall there are 2).
The sundials onthe town hall are from 1575 year.
Those sundials are connected with the activity of two
brothers whose name was Scultetus who lived
in the region of Silesia. 
One of them  Bartholomew Scultetus wrote in 1572
a sundial handbook
entitled ``Gnomonicae de Solaris sive doctrina practica
tertiae partis'' which is ranked among the best before
the book of Clavius.
You can get to Otmuchow also from Klodzko.
It is about 42 km east.

If you go from Wroclaw to Klodzko by car you
can easily visit those places during 1 day. 

Some time ago a Polish popular scientific magazine
``Wiedza i Zycie''  (``Science and Life'') organized
a competition in finding as many sundials as possible.
Perhaps they have more  information about the sundials
in the places you are interested in.
You can try to contact them. Their email is

Best regards
Krzysztof Kotynia

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