Hello Arthur .

In the last cloudy weekend I' ve studied also the inverse problem :
given a hyperbola or at least 5 points find the foci and asymptotes.
I've got a simple solution in the particular case that among these points
there is a vertex .
The solution is based on this nice theorem valid for all conics:
" the middle points of all parallel diameters of a conic lie on a straight
line …."
A diameter is defined to be that segment generated by two intersections of a
straight line with the conic, therefore the parallel diameters are those
generated by a set of parallel straight lines.
"…if the conic is a hyperbola or an ellipse the straight line joining the
middle points of the diameters crosses its simmetry centre ", which is , for
the hyperbola , the intersection of the two asymptotes half way between the
two vertexes. That's all about the theory . 
Hereafter I'll apply all that to find foci and asymptotes given at least 5
points got by shadow observation along several hours .  The procedure is
very easy to be applied and self-explaining.

1) Draw a however directed set of parallel straight lines on the wall ( two
would be sufficient, but we don't know the exact position of the final
hyperbola …. ).
2) In the morning , when the point of the gnomon's shadow crosses the
straight lines mark these points A, B, C … on the  wall . 
3) Mark the point V of the shadow in the instant of your local noon : this
is a vertex of the hyperbola.
4 ) Repeat instructions 2) in the afternoon , so that we mark the
corresponding points …., C', B', A' 
5) Find the middle points on the segments AA' , BB' , CC' …. and  draw the
straight line joining them.
6) Draw the straight line joining the base of the gnomon and the vertex of
the hyperbola : this is a simmetry axis of the hyperbola , containing also
the foci. The other axis is perpendicular in V.
7) The intersection  S of the two straight lines drawn in 5) and 6) is the
simmetry centre of the hyperbola
8) Measure the distance SV : this is the value of the parameter a of the
9) Draw the perpendicular segment from a whatever marked point , say A , to
the simmetry axis and mark the intersection point P.
10) Measure the length Y of the segment AP.
11) Measure the length X of the segment SP.
12 Calculate the parameter b from the hyperbola equation (X^2/ a^2)-(Y^2/
b^2) = 1  
13) Calculate c = (a^2+b^2)^1/2, which is the distance of the two foci from
S on the simmetry axis.
14)Draw the segment HK of length 2b perpendicular to the simmetry axis in V,
in such way that V results its middle point.
15)The two straight lines containing the segments SH and SK are the
asymptotes of the hyperbola.

That's all. 
I believe that this method could be useful.
Does it fit your needs ?

Best Regards

Alberto Nicelli 
Italy (45,5 N ; 7,8 E)

> ----------
> From:         Arthur Carlson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         lunedì 27 aprile 1998 15.53
> To:   sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de
> Subject:      Re: latitude with pegs and strings
> Arthur Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've been playing in my garden, ...
> > 
> > *** Does anybody know a relatively simple method for finding the
> > latitude from observations of the sun over the course of several hours
> > without recourse to tables and calculations? ***
> Thanks to all for the suggestions.  I admit that the problem sounds
> somewhat contrived, but it seems to me to be in the spirit of dialing
> in the age of quartz watches.  David Higgon's answer came closest to
> what I was looking for.  It is nearly as transparent as the shortest
> shadow method of finding North.  I may point out that one can find
> North and the current declination if one observes the length of the
> shadow, rather than just timing the direction.
> In the present case, I actually want to mark the local noon at the
> solstices and the equinox as well as verify my latitude, so I prefer
> to use no other shadow-caster than the corner of the roof.
> Furthermore, I don't have easy access to all the ground North of the
> corner (Walls and such get in the way.), which rules out some
> possibilities.  The recent posts on astrolabes led me to devise a
> method involving stereographic projections.  The idea is to take three
> shadow positions (in the minimalist spirit of a mathematician) and
> project them stereographicly (using a separate diagram, also
> constructed with pegs and strings).  I can then construct the circle
> through the new points, find the closest and farthest points to my
> origin, and convert these back to either points on the ground or
> angles in my diagram.  The key is that it is easy to construct a
> circle from three points, but hard to construct a hyperbola from 5.
> Furthermore, I know how to utilize the knowledge of the position and
> height of the gnomon in this scheme (which is why three point are
> enough).  Alberto Nicelli described how to construct a hyperbola given
> the foci, but the inverse problem is harder.
> Anyway, I find the geometry of the method interesting.  If I get a
> chance this weekend I'll see if it works in the field.  I suspect the
> biggest errors will come from the fact that the ground is not exactly
> flat and level.
> Art Carlson

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