Bill and Gordon,

SNIP 1 -

>ATM - Book One,  ("Amateur Telescope Making"), A G. Ingalls, Ed., 
>Scientific American Press, may be the book you remember using.
>You can also find instructions in older editions (into the 1950s,)
>of the "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,"  Chemical Rubber
>Publishing Co..
>Good Luck with it,

SNIP 2 -

>Having looked up silvering in Amateur Telescope Making, Book 1,
>and the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (35th edn.) I returned
>to my computer to find that Bill Maddux had beat me to it.
>The latter reference recommends the Rochelle salts process
>(instead of Brashear's, which uses sugar as a reducing agent) as
>being slower and better for making half-silvered mirrors.
>It describes how to make half-silvered mirrors using it.

> Gordon T. Uber, 3790 El Camino Real, Suite 142

                Many thanks for the pointers which I will request through my 
local library service.  After all these years I can't be sure that this is the 
book I used but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Book 1 of a series.  In any event I 
can now solve my problem with a choice of methods

Thanks again



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                         Tel/FAX +1670 823232


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