Fellow Shadow Watchers,
                       What began as an idle thought seems to have taken 
early root with two fine entries ALREADY!! - and the 'suggested rules' 
were only intended to stimulate interest and further discussion at this 

As the originator, although Pete Swanstrom must take some *dis*credit!! 
(just kidding Pete) for sparking the idea off in the first place, I 
suppose I must volunteer to act as Clerk and Collection Depot for entries 
unless anyone else would care to volunteer?? - a sincere request as I 
have plenty to keep me out of mischief.

If there are any further suggestions for the 
rules/structure/timing/judging etc. can we have them via The List asap 
for open discussion. Suggestions for potential judges would be especially 

In the meanwhile I think it may be better if entries are sent directly to 
me to be published collectively AFTER the judging panel has finished its 
work.  All entries will be acknowledged.

The prize has just left the design stage and ought to see actual brass 
within a couple of weeks but if anyone would like a GIF of a line drawing 
of what's on offer I'll attach one on request.

Many thanks for offerings and suggestions received so far.

Tony Moss


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