Luke Coletti wrote:

>        I must have missed the post about plotting "gores", do you still
>have copies of the thread?

Hi Luke,

My emailer has time/trashed the original query from Ron Anthony, all I 
have left is the header from my direct reply.

As I remember Ron was asking for contacts with cartograhic software for 
globe making.

He may well have solved his problem by now.


Subject:     Re: Gores for making globes
Sent:        21/9/98 11:06 am
To:          Ron Anthony, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>        I'm not so sure about Mac GlobePlotter but how about a freeware
>3D modeler/raytracer for the Mac?

>........       I just recently finshed a 3D model of a horizontal dial with 
>its hour
>lines projected out to intersect the meridian lines of the celestial

I'm lost in admiration for your beautiful dial concept Luke.  When you 
say '3D model' do you mean in materials or 'on screen'?  Rolling and 
joining that web of meridian rings into a perfect sphere would keep me 
nail-bitingly busy for some long while I think!

'Povray' seems wonderful and I must have a copy.  However two attempts to 
download it have terminated after ten minutes or so but I'll keep trying 
until it is complete.  This is a problem which occurs frequently for me - 
disconnection for no reason after ten minutes or so while downloading 
large files (PowerMac 9600/350 28k US Robotics modem, Netscape 3)  Any 
expert suggestions as to where to look for the problem anyone??

I'll report back when I've had time to try it all.

Many thanks for these impressive contacts. They're certainly well worth 

Tony Moss.

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