> > Will two full moons always occur in a March that follows a Febuary with
> > no full moon?

> I think it pretty well follows.
> I:    31/01   23:50
> plus  29      12:00
>       60/01   35:50
> corr  61/01   11:50
> corr -31                 (leap year)
>       30/02   11:50     30/02   11:50
> corr -28               -29
> II:   02/03   11:50     01/03   11:50
>       29      12:00     29      12:00
> III:  31/03   23:50     30/03   23:50

But if the time between two full moons can sometimes be even 1 minute more
than 29.5 days, then it would be possible to have no full moon in February
and only one in March. I hope someone has the definitive answer, but I
believe that the length of the month is sufficiently variable.

Art Carlson

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