On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Planocka Vit wrote:

> I have recently noticed an offering on ebay.com of an interesting 
> device, a solar slide rule that should predict the time and azimuth 
> of the sunrise and sunset for a given location. (I actually think 
> that it shouldn`t be called a slide rule, just a nomogram).
> I saved a copy of the short description and images at:
> http://www2.crosswinds.net/~vitplanocka/ebay.htm
> Could someone please tell me something about the principle of this 
> device?
> Vit Planocka
> 50N 15E

Neat little device! 
I'm just working from the pictures here, but it looks very

The front is a flattened globe, and is only used to look up your latitude
and longitude. Rotate the cursor disk so the radial line crosses your
location. Look up longitude on the outermost blue scale - lots of
resolution, there. (You also see your time zone, and can use the outer red
scale on the disk to look ahead or back some number of hours). Your
latitude is where the radial line hits your site.

Flip over onto the back, and set your longitude (or what you read 'n'
hours ahead or back of your actual longitude) against the date, on the
outer blue scale. Look where your latitude on one of the radial red lines
crosses a curve, and follow that curve to the inner or middle blue scale.
One radial line-and-blue scale combination reads in Azimuth, the other in
Hours. (not sure whether 'time of day' or 'hours to go'.)

I think all the real "work" is embedded in the wavy lines on the back.
I'll let one of the spherical trig gurus figure out how to program that
into an Excell spreadsheet!


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