On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Jim_Cobb wrote:

> Has it occurred to anybody else that many proprietors spreading
> prophesies of gloom and doom come Jan. 1 are gladly peddling food,
> water, battery-powered generators and other expensive wares on credit?
>                      -- John McCaslin

True! And should the disaster actually occur, 
those credit-buyers are gonna make out like *bandits*!

In all seriousness, I expect little, if any, problems. But its still a
good idea to have reasonable emergency reserves stored up, if only in case
of earthquake, extended winter power outages, or the like. We have water,
some long-storable food, filled the R/V propane and fuel tanks, dry wood,
and pet food. And I've finally gotten around to building a cable from the
R/V generator to the house mains panel, like I want every time the power
drops for more than a couple of hours!


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