At 10:11 PM 4/7/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> Two friends, George and Harry,>I agree that Harry is older than George,
>The puzzle asks "How long will it take for the two clocks to come together
>The answer is 45 days.  The clocks will both read 6 o'clock on March 17,
>1987  : )
>Charles Gann

This list of late has had entirely too much intellectual brilliance displayed!

In order to help maintain a healthy balance in this list, I submitted the
above stupidity.

Now that the list is back on an even intellectual keel, I only have one
does one make an emoticon for embarassment?

My thanks to all the gentle members of this list who were polite enough not
to point out my blatant error before 
I discovered it myself.  

I will now resume lurking while playing with my apparent time dial which
neither gains nor loses time.  


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