Greetings, fellow dialists,

I refer to the paper in the latest British Sundial Society Bulletin, Vol
II, 3, by David Scott on the Anglo-Saxon dials at Darlington and
Pittington.  I have recently revisited the Pittington dial, gained
access to the inside of the church and learnt something about its
history.  As a result I have written a note of about 650 words for the
Pittington parish magazine about this thousand year old dial in County
Durham in the far north of England which includes one or two points not
covered by David's account.

If anyone would care to have this note I would be pleased to forward it.
The words subscribe pittington would be sufficient.

Written in English, which evolved from "Anglish", the language of the

By the way, there weren't any Saxons round here, they were all Angles,
so Anglo-Saxon is a little inaccurate.

Frank Evans

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