Dear Dialists:

I'm VERY happy to report that I have already receive 15 requests for my
article on stoneworking with hand held power tools.  I am so pleased that
there is so much interest out there, and that more all these people want to
try it out.  But I got a little tired writing the same notes to everyone, so
I thought I could save myself some time if I just told the list my comments
on the article:

The first half of the article describes my flagstone dials and the second
half talks about the tools and techniques I use to work the stone.  Although
I use flagstone (a type of sandstone), these methods work very well with
limestone, marble, and all sandstones. They don't work as well with granite.
And I don't know how they do with slate, as it is hard to find a slate
sample here in Tucson. (I think slate only "grows" back east).

I know the next set of questions that I get will ask me for sources to
purchase the necessary equipment (drills, diamond burrs and bits). I will
put this information together and send it out on the list.  Let me repeat
what I said in my talk. One can get started in stonecarving with zero
experience and a very small amount of money to purchase bits and burrs for a
Dremel moto-tool.  More advanced drills are available if you ever want to do
a lot of carving. The only other power tools that you will need are an
inexpensive palm sander.  A tile cutter with 4"diamond disk will be
necessary to cut the raw stone blank to shape if your stone supplier won't
do it for you.

Also, I'd like to extend an open invitation to any of you to visit my studio
should you ever find yourself in Tucson Arizona.  And please let me know if
I can be of any further assistance with your stone carving endeavors.

John Carmichael
tel: 520-696-1709

Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson, Az 85718


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