Dear Dialists:

A few months ago, Claude Hartman sent NASS members a postcard which they
were asked to fill out and return to NASS. They were asked if they would be
willing to serve
on a committee which would help NASS compile a list of frequently asked
questions (FAQ) about sundials. These questions, along with their answers,
will eventually appear on the NASS website as a service for all dialists. 

The questions will be grouped by topics to make the site easier to use.
Possible categories could be history, installation, finding north, EOT, DST,
analemmas, theory, construction, furniture, mottos, marketing, literature,
makers, organizations, Time, portable dials, moonlight readings, etc.

At the 1999 Conference, Claude asked me to contact you for a list of the
FAQs which you feel are important to dialing.  You do not have to supply the
answers to your list of questions.

Claude also asked me to tell you that we will need a NASS volunteer to act as
chairman of the FAQ committee.  The chairman's job will be to see to it that
answers are provided to the the FAQs and that they are submitted to NASS for
publication on the NASS website. The chairman will be able to proceed with
the project in any way he sees fit.   

Even if you are not a NASS member, you are more than welcome to help us out
with some good sundial questions.  Who is better than this group to supply
sundial questions?  So please, send me your list of FAQs!  And if you are a
NASS member, let us know if you will volunteer to act as chairman of the FAQ

Thank you for your help with this important project,

John Carmichael
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson, Az 85718
tel: 520-696-1709

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