
Yep, you are right! I didn't do the calculation but I suspected that 
it would be something like that. Maybe we should tell the Station 
Leader at Scott-Amundsen that the people there live in the most 
densely populated section of the earth. Do you think that they will 
believe us???

Cheers, John

PS: sudden thought having just looked again at the subject of this 
email: Let's hold the next olympics at the North Pole, a truly 
international location, and one to which few of IOC members will 
really want to take their full freeloading entourages.

Dr John Pickard
Senior Lecturer, Environmental Planning
Graduate School of the Environment
Macquarie University, NSW 2109 Australia
Phone + 61 2 9850 7981 (work)
      + 61 2 9482 8647 (home)
Fax   + 61 2 9850 7972 (work)

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