I have converted my NASS 1999 presentation handout on the SunVial(tm)
sundial into a single web page


This will be upgraded at a later time with higher resolution images,
ordering information, etc.

Approximately 10 SunVial's were custom made in brass and glass and sold
immediately. From that earlier model, changes in design are being
formulated to improve contrast on the dial face and  provide manufacturing
simplification in the base mechanism.

Once our newly converted web site is live (a few more days, so please come
back to see our other publications and product line), we will begin add
more content on SunVial's progress to production.

NASS 1999 attendees will be receiving a dial face made to their latitude
and longitude at some point in the future. This will have instructions for
finishing a prototype dial but will require the indicated Pringles Potato
Chip tube with a metal bottom. Start eating now!


I have not looked at my VHS tape or developed stills from the NASS
Conference, but I will web post and/or provide Bob Terwilliger images/clips
from the field trip to local sundials in Hartford, CT when I get freed from
more pressing activities. In hindsight, I wish that I had taped the
presentations. Perhaps we (a committee?) should make a concerted effort to
tape, edit, and produce such a tape from future NASS meetings.

Larry Bohlayer

Celestial Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 801
Middleburg, VA 20118-0801

Celestial Products, Inc.
20659 St. Louis Rd.
Philomont, Virginia 20131

USA (Eastern Time Zone or -5 UT)

EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for company correspondence / orders)

VOICE: 540-338-4040
FAX:   540-338-4042

ORDER LINE: 800-235-3783

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