Greetings All

The island of Guam (a US territory) does not use daylight savings time.
Since our sunrise/sunset times vary only a little over an hour from 6:00,
it wouldn't do us much good.


   | Pam Eastlick                  | Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
   | Planetarium Coordinator       | Voice    : (671) 735-2783           |
   | CCEOP                         | Fax      : (671) 734-1299 or -4582  |
   | UOG Station                   | Location : 13.25N, 144.47E          |
   | Mangilao, Guam USA 96923      | Time     : GMT+10    EST+15         |
   |                                                                     |
   |                LOOK UP TONIGHT, THE UNIVERSE AWAITS YOU!            |

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