In long distance sailing there is a rule of thumb which advises not to make
changes to the trim for ten minutes after small changes in sailing
conditions, to ensure that these condition changes are true and lasting. I
should have applied this rule to my response to Loy Chun's contribution to
the list. It was afterall the first time he had made such a contribution
and could not have known the conversations which had gone on on this topic
before he joined us. Had I waited ten minutes before responding, I would
probably have been a lot less direct and sharply critical.

Loy has kindly written to me privately, and I am delighted to acknowledge
this and offer my regrets to him publically for the sharpness of my

May I also thank all those who have written to me with advice on ways to
overcome the problems of expensive downloads. We have some expertise on
this list!

Paul Murphy

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