Hello  Fernando, the jerk in New Mexico, and everybody else:

Since I was the first person on the list to read and reply to the faux
Fernando's insulting message, and not suspecting that a forger was at work,
I publically denounced Fernando.  Thank goodness that many of you quickly
identified the forgery, through the analysis of e-mail adresses and writing

I would like to redirect my ire towards the New Mexican imposter and offer
my sincere apologies to Fernando, who has been vindicated.  (From now on,
Fernando, I will double-check your return addresses!)    

I hope this is the last we all hear about this matter, execpt for the
confirmation from the site managers that the forger has been expelled from
the sundial group.  I'd rather spend my limited time talking sundials than
dealing with this sh...

John Carmichael

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