Dear Friends,

For those unable to attend the recent NASS Conference in Hartford, a list
of the papers presented, including abstracts, has been put on the NASS Web

We hope you will find them interesting enough to consider attending our
conference in San Francisco next year.

If any speakers reading this message have a photograph or two that
illustrates their talks, I would appreciate it if you would send them to me
so I can add them to the abstracts. If you were an attendee I would also
appreciate photos of the display tables.

Scanned photos via email would be preferred, but the postal service is
acceptable. Please include a SASE if you wish them returned.

PLEASE address any email correspondence to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or use the
"Webmaster" email link on the site. The CompuServe address I use for this
list is ungainly.

Robert Terwilliger
2963 Bird Avenue
Coconut Grove FL

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