Bravo Dan

I just looked at your paper.
What an excellent idea to interpret elements od spherical triangle as
rotations just in order to derive laws of sines and cosines. The ellegant
pdf format is a bit awkward in use, you have to download it, have the
viewer. You should make a regular HTML page plus graphics showing the
triangle (gif format would be better for line drawing) and publish on your
site. It requires some effort to write clean formulae in HTML but it can be
done. Your idea is true contribution to dialing and certainly worth

No wonder that the design of your dials is so unique.


At 10:58 PM 9/23/99 -0700, you wrote:
>My efforts to communicate the derivation of the sphercial trig laws failed
>due to some problem with my Acrobat Distiller processing.
>Here is another attempt. The two pages are now in JPG format. They may be
>retrieved from
>If these images are saved as source and printed  on a 300dpi printer they
>should fit on 8.5 x 11 pages.
>Thanks for your patience.
>Dan Wenger
>Daniel Lee Wenger
>Santa Cruz, CA

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