In my Britannica Atlas, I ran into a convention I haven't 
seen before.  The number after the decimal point is the 
minutes of arc.  So my latitude would be listed as 37.42
whereas I would call it 37 degrees, 42 minutes or 37.70
degrees.  Is this atlas' convention common?

John B

PS: Well, Tony, I've often noticed what you say and never
thought about it.  Some of us have dull minds and are
therefore content.  8-)  I wonder what the fill rate is 
with the hose in and out of the water.  If the fill rate 
is significantly reduced, then the velocity is reduced and
the jet's force is reduced since the jet's force should 
be something like m dot * v (mass flow rate times velocity)
I would imagine:

Kg/sec * m/sec = Kg-m/sec^2 = newton

Yes, that works out (I hope).

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