
>Subject:     Return to sender
>Sent:        20/10/19 8:43 pm
>Received:    20/10/99 9:33 am
>From:        John Carmichael, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To:          Sundial Mail List,
>John Carmichael
>32.30 N. 110.95 W.
>Solar system
>Orion Arm
>Milky Way Galaxy
>Local Group
>Virgo Ursa Major Cluster
>Known Universe

or you could have added....."Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the 
unfashionable end of Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy...."  :-)

with apologies to Douglas Adams

Tony M.

P.S.  I've always suppressed my 'automatic signature' at the end of List 
postings as I'd supposed it would become irritating after a couple of readings. 
 Like the girl in the musical
(can't remember which) "With me it's all or nothing..."

P.P.S. To bring this fully back on topic I can't remember if anyone mentioned 
it but, when using CDs as sundial discs, the 'Recordable' variety, used blank, 
give the clearest sun line.  To test this use one that is half full when the 
recorded bit (nearest the middle) has a 'fuzz halo' by comparison.  The very 
cheapest types have no printing either side so look best.


    \                      **         ******
    \\                     **         **
     \\                    **         *******
     *\\                   **              **
      *\\                  *******    *******
      ***\\           Tony Moss, Lindisfarne Sundials
     *****\\          43, Windsor Gardens, Bedlington,
    *******\\        Northumberland, England, NE22 5SY,
  **********\\        55°  07'  45" N    1° 35' 38" W
                         Tel/FAX +1670 823232
                         Mobile: 07970 208 540


              The first choice for a Millennium Sundial.
                     (every one Y2K compliant)

       Horizontal, Vertical, Declining, Analemmatic, Equatorial, 
        Polar and Capuchin Sundials individually made in solid 
         engraving brass. Professional-quality Dialling Scales, 
      'engine-divided' meridian layout instruments with software.  
          Analemmatic dial plots - any size for any latitude.
           Graduation, re-cutting and restoration of scales.
                  'Lintique' patination of brass.


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