Fellow Shadow Watchers

Continuing my occasional series of practical approaches for metal sundials here 
is a distillation of my personal notes on anodising aluminium prepared over 
many years of practical experience.  Aluminium has a normally dull and soft 
surface but anodising can transform this into beautiful multi colours with a 
weatherproof surface hard enough to resist all but the sharpest instruments.

Interested?  Then read on!


Anodising Aluminium in the Home Workshop

1.  You will need a large acid-proof plastic container.  Any polyethylene 
bucket or tank will do into which your workpiece will fit with a three inch gap 
all round.  Alternatively I made purpose built tanks out of marine plywood 
covered with a liquid-proof layer of glass-fibre resin and surfacing tissue.  
After years of use these tanks are still in good working order.

Just one very large tank will serve but of course this will need a lot of 

2.  You must have good ventilation as the fine bubbles of gas which rise to the 
surface produce an weak acidic mist which is barely detectable - and then one 
day you discover you have lost your sense of smell!  There is also the possible 
risk of male impotence which is why this was once known as 'etcher's disease'.  
You have been warned!  VENTILATE!
I have three healthy sons but that was before I began anodising!

3.  You can anodise with low voltage AC or DC but  if you use AC the ŒCathode¹ 
mentioned below MUST be of lead not aluminium.

4   The cathode (negative connection)  can be formed from a sheet of aluminium 
bent to fit around the interior walls of your tank as a loose Œliner¹.  Leave a 
projection tab to bend over the edge of the tank with a terminal to which the 
negative wire is connected if you are using DC .    If your power supply is AC 
then the cathode must be sheet lead.

5. Part-fill the tank with electrolye made by adding one part of concentrated 
sulphuric acid to nine parts of water.  Wearing goggles and gloves pour the 
acid SLOWLY down the side of the tank into the water.  NOT the other way 
around.  Pause if too much heat is generated.

6.  Experiment with a piece of aluminium plate about 3² square to get the idea. 
 Drill a hole in one corner and attach a pure aluminium wire by clinching with 
pliers to ensure a sound contact.  1/16² aluminium gas welding rods are perfect 
for this job.

If contact with the wire is loose then the anodic film may form in the joint 
and this will stop the process.  Design items to allow appropriate wire 
attachment - leave a cut-off 'tab' or drill a hole in the base into which a 
filed taper can be Œwrung/seized¹ tightly.

Hollow items can be held on an expanding zig-zag made to spring open into the 
inside. etc. etc.

7.  Holding the object by the wire dip it into a strong solution of caustic 
soda for a few seconds until it fizzes to remove natural oxides and grease.  
Rinse in clean water.

8.  Suspend in the anodising tank supported from some kind of busbar.  I use a 
square brass bar over the tank drilled at intervals with screws to clamp the 
wire into the holes and ensure a good contact.

9.  Connect the positive lead of your power supply to the workpiece via the 
busbar and the negative lead to the Cathode lining of the tank.

10.  Set the voltage to about 16v and in a few minutes fine bubbles of oxygen 
should rise from the workpiece.  The oxygen produced by the electrolysis of the 
water in the electrolyte  combines with the aluminium at the surface to produce 
crystal-clear aluminium oxide (grindstones are made from it!).

It is thought taht the oxide is produced is microscopic Œtubes¹ rising from the 
surface rather like a honeycomb.  Electrical contact is maintained through the 
tubes and new oxide continues to form at the base thickening the film.  

After about 20/30 minutes you can switch off the current, remove and rinse in 
CLEAN water.  The aluminium will have a whitish coating but DO NOT TOUCH IT or 
you finger prints will be captured for ever!

If the object is now immersed in a cool dye solution - there are special dyes 
made for this but most household dyes work fairly well - the dye molecules will 
fill the fine glassy tubes to colour the item.   Simply boiling in clean water 
for a few minutes will then cause the outer ends of the tubes to swell and seal 
off leaving you with a brightly coloured object which has a soft velvety feel 
and is impervious to general wear and weather.

To get metallic golds and bronzes you will have to enquire of companies such as 
SANDOZ who may part with samples.  They usually supply in expensive 1kg tubs 
which contain enough for 1000 years of home use.

Voltage and Current

Very small items such as rings and jewellery need a low voltage for a long time 
whereas larger items need a higher voltage.

I have a GIF of a voltage/current/time graph derived from experiment which you 
can request when you get started but  by setting 16 volts  and allowing the 
current to take care of itself will be a good beginning from which to build up 
your own experience.

Multi-colour anodising, photo-printing or writing on the anodic film with felt 
tip pens etc. are all areas in  which I achieved good results and are there for 
you to experiment.

Try it!  It's easier than it sounds but do wear appropriate protective gloves 
and eyewear etc. when handling acids and don't forget to ventilate well.

Have fun!

Tony Moss


    \                      **         ******
    \\                     **         **
     \\                    **         *******
     *\\                   **              **
      *\\                  *******    *******
      ***\\           Tony Moss, Lindisfarne Sundials
     *****\\          43, Windsor Gardens, Bedlington,
    *******\\        Northumberland, England, NE22 5SY,
  **********\\        55°  07'  45" N    1° 35' 38" W
                         Tel/FAX +1670 823232
                         Mobile: 07970 208 540
                  Website:  http://www.lindisun.demon.co.uk


              The first choice for a Millennium Sundial.
                     (every one Y2K compliant)

       Horizontal, Vertical, Declining, Analemmatic, Equatorial, 
        Polar and Capuchin Sundials individually made in solid 
         engraving brass. Professional-quality Dialling Scales, 
      'engine-divided' meridian layout instruments with software.  
          Analemmatic dial plots - any size for any latitude.
           Graduation, re-cutting and restoration of scales.
                  'Lintique' patination of brass.


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