Here's another press release on the Martian sundial, from the University of
Washington's point of view. Go to the cited URL at the end for the 2
illustrations. It's been a fun project to work on (and it's still got a
long ways to go!)

                                - Woody Sullivan



DATE: April 21, 1999

         ---- Sundial will mark passage of days, seasons on Mars -----

 You could call it  Martian  Standard  Time. The  new "time  zone" takes
effect in  January  2002 when a  sundial  designed and  assembled at  the
University  of  Washington  lands on the  red planet  aboard  NASA's  2001
Mars  Surveyor.   The sundial  project was  announced  today during  a news
conference at  Cornell  University in  Ithaca,  N.Y., which  is creating
the  experiment  that will  contain the  sundial.  Once the  sundial is in
place, the  public will  be able to  monitor the  passage of  Martian days
and seasons  via the  Internet.

 The idea for  the sundial  originated  with Bill  Nye, host of  public
television's  "Bill Nye the  Science  Guy." It will  be contained  in a
package  of four  instruments  that make up  the Athena  Precursor
Experiment,  or APEX,  on the Mars  Surveyor  mission  scheduled  for
launch in  2001.

 Nye, a  Cornell  graduate,  noticed a  small square  and post  used as a
kind of test  pattern to  calibrate the  spacecraft's  color  panoramic
camera, and  suggested it  could be a  sundial.

 "He sent an  e-mail  asking me if  I wanted to  help design  the first
sundial on  Mars,"  recalls UW  astronomy  professor  Woodruff  Sullivan,
"and I sent  one back  asking,  'Does it rain  in Seattle?'"

 Sullivan and  Nye for  eight months  have been  part of a  design team
that includes  artists Jon  Lomberg  and Tyler  Nordgren,  Cornell
planetary  scientists  Steven  Squyres and  Jim Bell,  and Louis  Friedman,
executive  director of  the Planetary  Society.

Inscribed with the motto "Two Worlds, One Sun," this sundial will travel to
Mars aboard NASA's 2001 Mars Surveyor lander.  Four gold side panels around
the sundial's base contain etched characters and the following message:
"People launched this spacecraft from Earth in our year 2001. It arrived on
Mars in 2002. We built its instruments to study the Martian  environment
and to look for signs of life. We used this post and these patterns to
adjust our cameras and as a sundial to reckon the passage of time. The
drawings   and words represent the people of Earth. We sent this craft in
peace to learn  about Mars' past and about our future. To those who visit
here, we wish a safe  journey and the joy of discovery."

With the team's design, Larry Stark, who makes scientific instruments in
the UW physics department, devised detailed drawings for making the
sundial. Much of the fabrication is being done at Arizona State University
in Tempe. The parts will be returned to the UW for final assembly, and the
sundial is to be delivered to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
Calif., late this summer.

Sullivan, a sundial expert, has designed numerous instruments for reckoning
time using the sun's shadow, including a large one on an outside wall of
the Physics-Astronomy Building on the UW's Seattle campus. Designs must
account for the Earth's orbit and the site latitude if the shadow cast by
the post is to give accurate time.  For the first sundial away from Earth,
some factors differ. For one thing, a year is nearly twice as long on Mars.
In addition, while Mars has seasons as Earth does, the seasonality is
exaggerated because the planet's orbit is far more elliptical. But there
are similarities, too. Earth tilts about 23.5 degrees on its axis, while
Mars tilts 25 degrees, and a Martian day is only 37 minutes longer.

"It's not as different as you might think," Sullivan said. "It's the same
basic principle, you just have to feed in different parameters. It's like
the difference between making a map of Los Angeles and a map of London."

The Martian sundial will be located near the planet's equator, though a
final landing site for the Surveyor mission hasn't been chosen. Uncertainty
about the location, and the fact that the sundial could be tilted by
surrounding terrain, limits the features that can be designed into it,
Sullivan said. Once the spacecraft has landed, the panoramic camera will
monitor the sundial's shadow, allowing Sullivan and other scientists to
calculate its exact orientation. The appropriate sundial lines then will be
superimposed over the sundial's image on the World Wide Web.
The sundial, made from anodized aluminum, is just 3 inches square and
weighs slightly more than 2 ounces. Black, gray and white rings in the
center and color tiles in the corners will be used to adjust the brightness
and tint of pictures taken by the panoramic camera. The rings are arranged
to represent the orbits of Mars and Earth, with red and blue dots showing
the planets' positions at the time of landing. Two replicas are being made,
one as an engineering model and the other to be placed in the Smithsonian

The Athena Precursor Experiment is being developed under the leadership of
Squyres, a Cornell astronomy professor.

The sundial will include a greeting for any explorers who might one day
encounter it. The instrument also will have the word "Mars" in 24 Earth
languages, including those of the ancient Mayan and Sumerian cultures in
which Mars figured prominently, and stick figures and space-related
drawings that depict Earthlings.

These web sites contain additional information: (Arizona K-12 Mars Education Program)

Prof. Woodruff T. Sullivan, III                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept.  of Astronomy,  Box 351580                 tel. 206-543-7773
Univ. of Washington                                      fax 206-685-0403
Seattle, WA 98195 USA

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