Hello all,

the capuchin hour limit is a part of an "equilatere" hyperbola. Its center
is K on Figure 3 of the Fer de Vries's article. By using a xy system of axis
with origine at K, the equations of the "assymptotes" are, at the latitude L:

 y = - x.tan L/2

 y = x.tan (90 - L/2)

and the equation of the hyperbola:

 x.x - y.y + 2.x.y.cos L/sin L + BK.BK = 0

Of course, the point B is on the hyperbola and it's also the highest point.

I came across this problem when I worked on the equations of the central
projection analemmatic sundial with circular curve.

Best regards

    Yvon MASSE  7, rue des Tilleuls  95300 PONTOISE  FRANCE
    E-mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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