Hi John and all-

While you are at it -- what is the best way to transfer the large printouts from paper to the actual material the sundial will be made of -- stone, metal, timber or whatever -


At 10:52 04/06/2000, John Carmichael wrote:
Hi Ron, Bob, Steve & all:

I'm so glad that so many dialers on the List will soon be using DeltaCad.  I
absolutely love it!  It's much easier to use than I imagined.  Thanks again
Ron, for going the extra mile to order and front the money to buy all those
copies for everyone.  Hopefully, DeltaCad will become the standard drawing
program for us dialers.  This will greatly facilitate communication and
learning among us.

But the recent discussion concerning printouts of DeltaCad drawings has me
frustrated again.  Half of the discussion for possible solutions sound like
a foreign language to me.  And I thought, "Oh no, here we go again, another
stumbling block, more programs to buy and procedures to learn!"

I'm making hardcopies of this discussion for future reference.  In the
meantime, I'm just going to sit back and monitor your thoughts.  Hopefully,
eventually those of you with more plotting and printing knowledge and
experience can come up with easy step-by-step instructions that we can use
for obtaining DeltaCad drawing files that are acceptable to our local print

Please keep at it and give the solution to this problem top priority, as I
think that obtaining large prints from DeltaCad will become an extremely
important part of sundial production for many sundial makers.

Thanks from all of us deltacadettes.

John Carmichael
Tucson Arizona

"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!"

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