Hi All,

I don't know how much help I can be with plot files beyond how to
produce them. I have never actually plotted one. I have used them as an
intermediate format for line drawings created in a proprietary format so
they can be imported into a word processor.

I will try to address some of the concerns mentioned here as best as I

1) Huge file size.

This is no doubt caused by producing a representation of an analemma or
other object that includes a large number of points. Not only will this
create a huge file, but it will also take hours to plot. I don't think
plotters were designed to plot multiple intense curves, nor do I think
the curve needs so many points to create a reasonable plot. The only
solution I can see is to reduce the number of points in each curve.

I draw the analemmas for my dials from a file. The points (days) in the
file are denser near the solstices, and further apart near the equinoxes
where the curve is almost a straight line. The file still contains over
250 points, and would be unsuitable for a plotter.

Challenge: Who can produce an accurate analemma (folded and/or unfolded)
with the least number of points?

2) Fonts.

I really can't help much here, but I do not believe plotter languages
are fluent in fonts, at least not true type. I would consult with the
owner of the plotter for what fonts are available and how to implement

3) HPGL132.EXE

This file is provided by Microsoft to enable you to import HP language
files into other Microsoft apps. Thanks to Steve Irick for the tip. I
just installed it, and it seems to have some quirks. a) the file must be
imported with a .plt (not .prn ) extension or it will crash Word2000. 
b) In my test file some garbage was added to the graphic. The jury is
still out on this one.

It takes some fiddling to install. Read the readme and reboot before
trying it. It's available from:



I searched a few of my mega software sites for this program and I
couldn't find it. Hence, no comment on any errors it might produce.


Bob Terwilliger

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