Dear diallists,
I thank all the diallists who sent me comment to my beta version of the program Zw2000.
These comments are very helpfull.
The comments had to do with spelling errors, whishes to extra's and so on.
Some of the wishes are built in now and a number of spelling errors are repared.
An important wish to add more layers for half or quarter hours I can't realize.
I can handle no more then 27 layers and a number of my other programs are related to this program so I am not able to change this.
The most important new features are :
On the draw form :
a button with a figure 8 to draw a Eot_decl graph.
On the data form :
a button 'definitions' to see the definitions I use in the program.
hints for the input ranges are added to the most important input values left on the data form.
a button 'print' to print the constants of the dial directly to your printer.
a chechbox to include a line for the substyle  of a usual flat dial or 2 lines for the threads in a bifilar dial.
I am thinking of some other features but that will take more time.
I call this version beta version 1.1 and it can be downloaded at

I am still interested in your comments so send them if you have.
For example the new added text with definitions isn't checked for spelling errors.
Happy dialling, Fer.
Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

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