Roger Bailey wrote:

> Hi Fernando,
> I would take a box and a ruler and do some experiments to see which looked
> best. Fix the ruler pointing south at an angle equal to your horizon. Put
> the box beside it and visualize a gnomon parallel to the ruler on each
> surface. Turn and incline the box to see different orientations. Choose the
> one that looks best.

I was already doing this. Using the program "Shadows", by François Blateyron
it was really easy to see how the real thing would look like.

> By the way, I use the new clipboard feature on the Windows version to bring
> the design drawings into Word or Excel to finish with text. This works
> better for me that dxf files imported into the cheapo CAD program I've try
> to use.

I'll try this too (alas, I don't have any CAD program)!

Thank you.

- fernando

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PABX: +55 61 329-0202                   Fax: +55 61 326-3082
15º 45' 04.9" S                         47º 49' 58.6" W
19º 37' 57.0" S                         45º 17' 13.6" W

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