What do they say about images and words?
I was not paying to much attention to this thread.
I thought it was too technical for me. Then I saw
this image produced by Fer, and voilá! I understood
the whole thing at once.

Thanks Fer.

- fernando

"fer j. de vries" wrote:

Hello Dave,

Attached ia an example of such a dial.
Spin means spider.

The dial is for latitude 52 degrees north, longitude 5 degrees east, time
meridian 15 degrees east ( our wintertime ) ( In summer we use 30 degrees
east as time meridian )

You don't need a nodus, but just a vertical rod in the center.
Read where the shadow of the rod intersects the circle of the proper date.
At low latitude this type of dial isn't very useful.

Best, Fer.

Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: fer j. de vries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: Dali dials

> Hello, Fer!
> > In my programs suite zwvlak95 there is a program spin.exe to calculate
> > a dial for a horizontal plane with circular scales of date and a
> > style.
> > You also may name this type of dial an azimuthal dial.
> Can you give me a mental (or real!) image of this dial? I had never tried
> 'spin' before, and the result is, to say the least, interesting! Is this
> basically a flat dial, with a vertical style and nodus? How would one
> derive the height from the drawing?
> Thanks!
> Dave
>Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.pix.com.br
Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PABX: +55 61 329-0202                   Fax: +55 61 326-3082
15º 45' 04.9" S                         47º 49' 58.6" W
19º 37' 57.0" S                         45º 17' 13.6" W

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