In September 1999 during a journey in Austria, we have arrived, by chance,
in the small city of Kremsmünster, near Linz, where a beautiful Benedictine
Abbey, built in 1700,.is found.

Connected to the Abbey there is an astronomic tower that was originally used
as an observatory for astronomical research and that is today a museum of
Here one can see an impressive number of astronomical observation
instruments, including a sextant made of iron that was probably used by
Johannes Kepler in Prague, a collection of pocket sundials, terrestrial and
celestial globes, etc.

P. Amand Kraml, the administrator of the museum,  has collected in a CD the
images of all the sundials that are in the museum and P. Ansgar Rabenalt
has written (in German) a booklet  containing a short  description of each
of them (70 pages)

The CD is a very simple and doesn't contain any index.   In its parts we
find :
-  in the ROOT the file INDEX.HTM with a short presentation of the
astronomic tower of the Abbey.
-  In NACHBAU  :  3 photographs of a very famous diptych (in color)

-  In SONNUHR1  :  154 photographs  of the about 100 sundials described in
the booklet.
All the images are in JPG format (about 1450 x 1450 pixels) very detailed.
To visualize them  it is necessary to use a program as  Photoshop, ACDSee,
They are all in b/w (excluding # 74)
The sundials are of many different types (almost all portable ) and are
built in the period 1700-1900

-  In DOBERSCH  : 25 photographs of the pages of the manuscript " Gnomonica
" written by the P. Laurenz Doberschitz in 1764.

The CD is on  sale and costs 360 AS (Austrian Shelligs) - about 25 US$
The booklet  costs 100 AS (about 7.5 US $) plus  the postage

If someone has interested he  can write to P. Amand Kraml  asking other
information on :
- the CD-ROM Sonnenuhren
- the book  Nr. 33 - P. Ansgar Rabenalt - Die Sonnenuhrensammlung der
Sternwarte Kremsmünster

It is also on  sale a CD containing the photos of the terrestrial and
celestial globes that are in the museum  (360 AS) :  CD-ROM Globen

For other information you can see at

P. Amand Kraml
Sternwarte Kremsmünster



Gianni Ferrari

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