Can anyone possibly help me regarding a dial manufacturer that signs their
dials with a copyright symbol and the word 'Solstice'?

The police in the UK have recovered a stolen horizontal dial and have asked
me as BSS Registrar if we
can identify it and its owner.   It is one of a few modern ones
characterised by the maker's name simply being recorded by a copyright
statement following the stated design latitude; viz

Latitude 51d 30m.  (c) Solstice

We know of a few such dials but all are either still present on their
pedestals or are designed for a latitude other than the one for which this
recovered one was designed.

Because the dials all appear to be designed for a specific latitude it is
possible that the maker might have records of their sale. Accordingly I am
trying to find the name and address for the maker of these 'Solstice'

Can anyone please help identify the source of these dials?
Many thanks


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