Hello all
I can print your cad files if you want through AutoCAD up to any size, including A0.

Alexei Pace

At 11:15 03/16/2000 , T.& M. Taudin-Chabot wrote:
Check with a local architect. He has more or less the same problem and I am
sure he can plot his files. Perhaps there is one just around your corner....

At 08:59 16-3-00 -0700, you wrote:
-----Original Message/Oorspronkelijk bericht--------------
>Hi Steve:
>Glad you got the package, and thanks for all the compliments.  I'm sure you
>figured out that I'm much more of an artist and craftsman than a
>mathematician and computer expert!
>You ask if I use delta Cad.  Steve, if I could be granted one wish
>pertaining to dialing, it would be to master Delta CAD and/or Turbo CAD.
>It was a bit frustrating hearing from Sarah Edmonson yesterday how beautiful
>your Azimithal and Singleton drawings are when processed with Turbo Cad. I,
>however, use a screen capture and print with an Epson stylus 1200 printer
>that is able to print large 13" by 19" pages, then I enlarge by Xerox the
>print to the sundial's final size (diameter: 40").  Needless-to-say, by
>using the screen capture method, the drawing's final version has very
>unacceptable stepped lines instead if nice smooth curves.  To use this
>flawed drawing, I will have to trace by hand the entire drawing, using a
>french curve, to eliminate those annoying jagged little steps.
>I know many of us dialists, especially the dial makers, do NOT know how to
>get a good printed hardcopy of the sundials we design using the various
>sundial generator programs.  I'm definitely one of them. Frankly, I don't
>even know where to begin to teach myself CAD.  I suppose I could enrole in
>some college courses which teach CAD, but I find the prospect of returning
>to school even worse!
>Meanwhile, I wish there was a way that I could send my files of a sundial
>design to someone who does have CAD who could print a hard copies for me and
>then send them back to me for a fee.  Do you know of anybody out there who
>might offer this CAD printing service? I'm sure there are many of us CAD
>deprived dialists who would be interested if there were.
>CAD deprived,
>Steve Lelievre wrote:
>>On another matter, do you use DeltaCAD? If so, does the version support
>>macros? It's just that I have converted my earlier programs to run as
>>DeltaCAD macros, and tidied them up for publication. I would like to send
>>them to you, if you have the capacity to use them. It will be some months
>>before I will be ready to publish them as free standing programs, as I am
>>waiting for Microsoft to release their new version of VisualBasic. I need it
>>for professional reasons but I am sitting tight for now as I don't want to
>>fork out over $600 US buying a version which is about to be superseded. My
>>existing YaBasic programs simply aren't fit for publication, due to the
>>nature of YaBasic itself.
>>All the best,

Thibaud Taudin-Chabot
52°18'19.85" North  04°51'09.45" East
home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"Give people an inch, and they think they're rulers."

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