Dear fellows in sundialling

Here I am, back from Morroco after surviving the Sahara
Desert and the most gruelling foot race available for
mad people like myself (,

The first thing I read after sitting in my desk was that
the American government has relinquished the controlled availabity
for the GPS system. Nevertheless, the source was not reliable
and does not hint to the original source.

Is this a confirmed news?

Best regards

- fernando

Fernando Cabral                         Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Fone Direto: +55 61 329-0206            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PABX: +55 61 329-0202                   Fax: +55 61 326-3082
15º 45' 04.9" S                         47º 49' 58.6" W
19º 37' 57.0" S                         45º 17' 13.6" W

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