Daniel Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This message is sent for two reasons: 1st to remind how
> subscribing and unsubscribing works and 2nd to bring into
> discussion again the allowed length of a message including
> attachments.
> ...
> The length of a message is limited to 25 kB. Many subscribers
> still send messages, which are longer. This requires a manual
> intervention by the list owner. Please take into account that your
> attachment has to be downloaded by members, which may have
> only a 14.4 baud modem. Please vote for one of the following
> choices:

I have a connection through a research institute, so I'm not bothered
by any size message.  Still I don't want to vote for "no limit"
because I am also not particularly bothered by expediencies like
requesting a file by email or by browser.  My vote is for something
very close to the lowest common denominator, i.e., if more than two or
three members have a serious problem that can be solved without
terrible inconvenience to the rest of us, they should be accommodated.

--Regards to all, also to our brethren still living in the stone age,

  Art Carlson

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