
Here are a few dates.  I had begun collecting similar information for a
project of my own along the same idea.

May 27th  The day of Saint Hildebert.  In the 17th century, the Parisian
guild of cadraniers (sundial makers) regularly met on this date in Holy
Cross (Ste. Croix) parish.

May 27th  Bede was declared venerable by the church in 836 and was canonised
in 1899. His feast day is May 27 - the day that he died.

May 30th  On this date in 727, St. Hubert of Liège died.  He is the patron
saint of mathematicians and makers of precision instruments.  His feast day
is November 3rd.

Aug 8th  Feast Day of Saint Dominic de Guzman, patron saint of astronomers
and astronomy and founder of the Dominican Order.

Nov 3rd  Feast Day of St. Hubert of Liège, patron saint of mathematicians
and makers of precision instruments.  Also celebrated on May 30, the date of
his death in 727.

Dec 1st   Feast Day of Saint Eligius, patron saint of watch and clock

Frederick W. Sawyer III   -    Sciatherics
    'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,
    Play'd in a box whose Candle is the Sun.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Lelievre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sundial mailing list" <>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: Wall calendar

> My wife tried to find me a shop-bought calendar with sundial pictures for
> Christmas present. No luck, so I'm thinking it would be fun to create one
> for 2002, and post it on the Web.
> My idea is to produce a MS-Word document (or perhaps Acrobat) with the
> monthly grids and pictures, and a snippet of sundial trivia for each day,
> along with perhaps the EoT and Declination. Anyone who wants a copy would
> simply print the calendar on their own colour printer, and staple it
> together.
> The quality of the finished product might be "homespun", depending on the
> printer and grade of paper used, but what the hell! For those with the
> to spare, I would aim to have the detail in the electronic representation
> good to allow for people getting it done on high resolution printers at
> their local print shop.
> This is a call for material:
> I'd very much appreciate snippets of information relating to specific days
> (e.g. births/deaths of notable people, formation of national societies,
> dates of conferences, etc.). Ideally I want to get 365 items, each of
> can be expressed in only a few words.
> Also, if you have any interesting sundial photos which you would be
> to have included, please let me know. I guess the selection criteria are a
> mixture of competent photography and an interesting subject. I'm not sure
> exactly what file format would be needed, but the photos would need to be
> scanned in such a way that they print to fit a landscape A4 or Letter
> without looking grainy.
> Finally, would anyone care to join me in this venture? It will be easier
> do if there were one or two others involved for proof-reading / technical
> vetting / editing.
> Steve
> Steve's Site is at

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