Thanks, Fer, I understand your signal well. My earler message had a
mistake in that I gave the declining angle of the wall as 30 deg but
gave the style height and distance for a wall declining 60 deg. The
reason is simply that I normally use the alignment or bearing of a wall
for my calculations, not the full-face direction. This derives from my
pocket calculator programme that I developed "n" years ago when I
reinvented the wheel and made a sundial! I would hate to change it.

By the way, does anyone else still use a pocket calculator for sundial
calculations? Don't sneer, please, remember that captains of space ships
taking part in the moon landings had Hewlett-Packard calculators
strapped to their legs so that if all else failed they could still get
home. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Mir had one on board, too.
It would seem appropriate for that lovely dinosaur.

Frank Evans

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