Many, many thanks to everyone who rallied to my distress call about 
exporting DXF from Adobe Illustrator, the salient conclusion being that 
if I upgrade from version 8.0 to version 9.0 it will do the trick.

To be certain that this was the case for both PC and Mac versions on 9.0 
I phoned Adobe Sales in Edinburgh who didn't know the answer to my 
question so they put me on the Adobe Tech. Support who refused to tell me 
what their product would do without a Customer Ref. No. - of which I have 
four stored on disc for the different registered Adobe products I use.

"So you won't give me the simple piece of information which will enable 
me to BUY another of your products?"

"That's corrrrrect sirrrr" (Scottish dialect)

Eventually I found the number and was told Mac version 9.0 WILL export 

I nominate Adobe as the most-cautious/least-helpful software house - with 
some of the best products - on the planet.....unless of course you know 
of another one ;-)

Problem solved

Thanks again everyone!

Tony Moss

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