Title: Re: Sundial Trick Photography
To see an example of what this technique can do, look at the NASS Registry fotos of the Flandrau Heliochronometer, dial # 464, Tucson Arizona. The first foto I took from a ladder. The 2ond foto below it is the exact same foto artificially corrected to compensate for the perspective distortion. The difference is amazing!

Yep. I didn't realize this was of interest to the list, else I'da posted a sample of my own; in this case, a mosaic from the now destroyed Old St. Peter's in Rome, too high up on a wall, but...


which I've modified this morning to show both photos.

The result is imperfect, but is still a definite improvement. (Yes, the URI is correct; if you get a garble, it's your e-mail reader. Go to my Rome page, then to churches, then to S. M. in Cosmedin.)


Bill Thayer

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