Greetings fellow dialists,

Many thanks for the numerous communications on moon dials. It seems that
Isaac Morris's 1803 dial was one of several of this type although
differing importantly from others in its layout. Fer de Vries referred
me to an article by Girolamo Fantoni of Italy in BSS Bulletin 92.1 of
February 1992, with slightly different curves from Morris's but working
in the same way. The 1710 Blenheim dial, Woodstock, Oxfordshire seems to
be related, according to the description in the BSS register.

It was suggested that a moon dial would be less effective than a
nocturnal. Possibly true if you had a nocturnal with you. The point
about ordinary dials was that they served the same function as clocks.
The equivalent of a nocturnal would be a pocket dial or a watch.

I should say that I am not in the process of making a moon dial (I'm in
fact lazily contemplating a vertical analemmatic dial for my wall) but
just found Morris's dial very interesting. Thanks again for all your

Frank 55N 1W
Frank Evans

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