John Carmichael wrote;

>Hello Frank
>I'd like to help you with your question, but first, do you know the type of
>stone in which the Dalton dial is carved? Also, by water repellent do you
>mean a sealer such as polyurethane?
Reply to John: I believe the dial is of sandstone. I don't know what
water repellent was used as I have only a copy of the conserver's
proposals (the same man for both the Escomb and Dalton dials). He wrote
only: After conservation a water repellent must also be applied and re-
application of this water repellent coating is necessary at 5-10 year
intervals to maintain the protection of the underlying stone in an
exposed environment.

However, no note of a water repellent appears in his account of the work
finally done. I hasten to say that although I was involved in the
initial proposal to protect the dial in some way I have nothing (other
than interest) to do with this work. That is in the care of the parish.
But acid rain has become a destroying demon in this part of the world.
Thanks for your message.
Best wishes, Frank.
Frank Evans

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