A year is a leap year if it can be devided by four without
remaining, except if it ends in "00" (like 1900, 2000...) in
which case it must be devisible by 400 instead.

If my memory is of any avail, week days repeat at regular
intervals of 18 years. Maybe I am wrong. Anyway, it is
easy to check if you have a perpetual calendar at hand.

- fernando

"walter.jonckheere" wrote:
> Hello everybody, if I am right the year 2000 had a februari 29. What is the
> formula for calculating the year allready gone, also
> with a februari 29 and where the names of the day were exactly the same, I
> mean if januari 1 was a monday in 2000, it should also be a monday in the
> year we are looking for. The interest of this search lies with old VCR,s
> unable to set the date on the year 2000 or beyond, thus preventing timer
> recordings. By setting the old year this will again be possible.
> Furthermore, I remember buying in Hong Kong some 30 years ago, a small date
> calculator with very interesting options, f.i. you could subtract or add a
> number of days to a given date & obtain the other date; subtract dates &
> obtain the number of days, check what day was your birthday, & so on. But I
> lost it, probably while moving; does someone know if this gadget
> still exists, I never found another, or if it exist as a software program.
> Thank you for your answers.
> Walter, 50N 42 1      4E 33 46

REDUZIR, REUSAR, RECICLAR -- Dever de todos, amor aos que virão
REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE -- Everybody's duty, love to those who are
to come
Fernando Cabral                        Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
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