Hi diallists
 As you'll probably know, in some countries there is a folklore-based calendar
that overlaps the legal one and in which seasons begin about six weeks before, ie.,
halfway between the equinox and the solstice (Candlemass, Imbolic and all these
festivals all over Europe...).
Does anybody know if there is somewhere a Sun's elevation-based calendar like this one:
 *  Winter: the elevation of the sun at noon is lower than (Latitude - 23.45 / 2) deg
 *  Summer: the elevation of the sun at noon is higher than (Latitude + 23.45 / 2) deg
 *  Autumn and Spring: between the former.
I think this is quite an empirical calendar whose only problem is that Summer and Winter
are almost double length than Autumn and Spring (look at any declination-vs-day curve), but
IMHO it gives a good idea of which are hot and cold seasons.
Anselmo Perez Serrada

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