Jean Meeus's "Astronomical Algorithms" gives five abbreviated coefficients for terms up to sin 5M. He references "Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris," Vol. I, pages 202-204, and only says that it is derived from a series expansion.

The abbreviated coefficients are
2e - (e^3}/4 + (5/96)e^5
(5/4)e^2 - (11/24)e^4
(13/12)e^3 - (43/64)e^5

I hope that the more-complete coefficients will give you additional insight. Good luck with your derivation.


At 05:25 PM 4/6/02 +0200, Anselmo Pérez Serrada wrote:
Hi dialists,

Maybe this is an off-topic, but I found it in some gnomonics books and I'd like to know more about it:

It is well known that due to Kepler's Second Law the Earth (and any satellite) does not follow a circular uniform movement but an elliptical non-uniform one. So the longitude of the Earth across the ecliptic is not exactly proportional to time: the difference (True Longitude minus Mean Longitude) is called equation of center 'c' and can be derived either solving Kepler's equation ( M = E - e*sin(E) ) or using an approximate
formula, something like
    c = (2e- 1/4*e^3)*sin(M) + 5/4*sin(2*M) + 13/12*e^3*sin(3*M)+ ...
where M, the mean anomaly, is the fraction of area swept by the Earth and e is the eccentricity of the orbit
(Yes, it's pre-copernican, but it works!).

OK, but which is the general expression of this formula (for the n-th term) and where does it come from? Is it a Fourier series or a Taylor series? I've tried both and wasn't able to reach to any result like this.

Could anyone point me at some website where this series is derived?

Anselmo Perez Serrada

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