Hello Warren,

Read the book Cadrans Solaires de Paris by Andrée Gotteland and Georges
Camus, 1993.
ISBN 2-271-05035-9
You will find some more then100 dials described.
It is an excellent guide for dials in Paris,

It's hard to say what will be the best dials to visit, but have a look at
Hôtel des Invalides where you may find seven wall dials at one place.

Don't miss the dial by Salvador Dali, 27 rue Saint-Jacques.
It is a rather simple dial but to my opinion of a great beauty.

I don't think gnome has any relation to gnomon.
In our language we talk about a gnoom.

Have a good time in France.


Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

----- Original Message -----
From: "Warren Thom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 3:51 AM
Subject: RE: Solar Telescope Sundial

> Hi John,
> I am looking forward to the NASS conference in Tucson.  Marking lines on
> a horizontal surface around the Kitt Peak Solar Telescope is a great
> idea.  You may have mentioned the Mayall dial at Kitt Peak -- it is
> worth seeing.  The Mayall & Mayall book was one of the first I read on
> dials.  I also look forward to seeing the dial on the campus of that
> great school -- The University of Arizona.
> My wife and I saw a delightful French movie, "Amelie".  A Gnome was in
> the movie.  Does anyone know if the word is related to the word gnomon?
> We are getting into a French mood because we are taking my youngest son
> to Paris July.  I have directions (thanks to this list) to the Denis
> Savoie dial that is on the cover of his book.  Does anyone have the
> location of 3 or 4 "don't miss" dials around Paris?  I would appreciate
> any advice on Paris dials.
> Take Care,
> Warren Thom  (41.6498 N  88.0964 W)
> -


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