<x-rich>Hi Mac, Dialists,

I agree with you as far as inept/error created dials, but not everyone adheres to the concept of uniform time. A nice rubber dial to stretch out the time between 12 and 1 to three times as long, or a folding dial to remove the time for the 2-3 hour conference or such like would be nice at times. I guess a hermit could well make the time periods any thing at all that was pleasing. Uniform time seems to have been invented largely to coordinate many peoples activities. I would guess that small socially separist type groups might adopt their own standard, but not uniform time system and thus their own sundial designs. Some of these might be interesting, especially if they had historic value or were very artistically done.

Enjoy the Light!

[43.126N 123.527W]

Mac wrote:
> Hello dialists,
> While on a vacation trip recently, I came upon a store selling the
> two dials shown in the attached picture. They are made of cast metal
> (brass?) and painted light green. The left dial is about 8" in
> diameter--the one with the hour lines is about 6". The store is one of a
> chain (Ten Thousand Villages) which helps craft-persons in developing
> countries market their products. At least some of the store personnel are
> volunteers, donating their time. Generally, the items offered are well
> made and priced fairly, so as to give the craft-persons and entrepreneurs
> a better return for their labor. The dials were priced at about $40 (US).
> Of course, both dials are seriously flawed in design--more suitable
> for garden ornaments than for sundials. What a pity, since it would take
> no more effort to create and market "good" dials.
> The dials were labelled as coming from India, but without any company name
> or address. I explained the dials' multiple problems to the store
> manager, and, at her suggestion, I intend to write to the store
> headquarters and explain the design mistakes and suggest how they might be
> corrected. The world doesn't need more pseudo sundials.
> Best wishes,
> Mac Oglesby
> 43N 72.5W


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