
The 3D model sounds like something I've been mulling over for years.  Please 
send me a copy too.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sundial Mail List" <>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: seminar

> Greg,
> >
> >I have to conduct a 15-30 minute workshop on horizontal sundials. Real basic
> >stuff, how to use the sun to tell time, how to make and position a simple
> >horizontal dial, etc.. Has anyone ever had to give such a talk and if so
> >what type of preparation, materials, handouts, slides, etc... worked best.
> I recently gave a similar talk to a client Rotary Club ("All about 
> Sundials in 15 minutes") and prepared an OHP transparency which shows the 
> essential relationship between an Equatorial Dial and a Horizontal Dial 
> but also goes on to show vertical and Polar surfaces arranged around a 
> common polestyle.  It also includes a north-facing Vertical surface.  The 
> original diagram appears in Frank Cousins' book and I have always been 
> impressed by its ingenious simplicity.  My developed version in Adobe 
> illustrator is in colour and you are welcome to a GIF or PDF copy if you 
> think it would help.
> Just to 'gild the lily' a 3D model was also made which, in conjunction 
> with a point-source halogen desk lamp, demonstrates the simultaneous 
> functioning of all four dials 'before your very eyes'.  There are JPEGs 
> available of this from various angles together with a sunlit shot of the 
> model outdoors.
> If 'one picture is worth 10 000 words' then perhaps one working model is 
> worth many pictures.  The only problem which results is that the concepts 
> involved are immediately obvious to even a non-specialist....which leaves 
> you very little to actually TALK about ;-)
> Copies available to any list member on request.  This is the same 
> material which I offered/distributed some weeks ago.
> I retain the copyright of all my images but these can be freely used for 
> any non-commercial purpose.
> Best Wishes
> Tony Moss
> -


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