The Homan sundial was also patented in the U.S.: Patent # 946,223 issued on
11 Jan. 1910.  I have a copy of the patent papers in a 320Kb pdf file which
I will send to anyone who requests it (off-list please).

Fred Sawyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 7:33 AM
Subject: Heliochronometer by Homan

> I have recently been shown an interesting brass heliochronometer made by
> Homan of Glasgow according to his patent 18,568 of 1911. (I hope to
> a copy of the patent shortly.)
> It is quite large, based on a 13 1/2" diameter hemisphere. It has two
> "gnomons", upright brackets carried on and perpendicular to a circular
> 11" diameter. The plate has, over an adjustable 15 degree arc at its edge,
> scale divided in minutes, and can be rotated by hand against an outer
> ring marked with hours from 1 to 12 twice. Each upright carries a half
> analemma, one for positive and the other for negative solar declination
> (summer and winter), and a slit - with in one case a small hole adding a
> nodus to the slit - to project light onto the half analemma on the other
> upright 7 7/8" (200 mm) away.
> It is set for a latitude (not adjustable) of about 7 degrees North, and a
> time difference from the local meridian of 5 minutes (added to the
> so it was sited just over 1 degree West). This indicates it was made for
> not in Britain but somewhere tropical, perhaps West Africa or Ceylon.
> Has anyone come across other example(s), or information about this device
> its maker?
> Andrew James
> N 51 04' W 01 18'
> -


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